Lots of buzz about the FireEye hack this week, but most hack news is often a consequence of the lack of a vulnerability management process. Also this week a lot of vulnerabilities were found in Internet protocols and even Steam games. In our digests we try to show the most significant and interesting news for … Continue reading Tuesday patch with Kerberos, bunch of vulnerabilities and security breaches → The post Tuesday patch with Kerberos, bunch of vulnerabilities and security breaches first…
Lots of buzz about the FireEye hack this week, but most hack news is often a consequence of the lack of a vulnerability management process. Also this week a lot of vulnerabilities were found in Internet protocols and even Steam games. In our digests we try to show the most significant and interesting news for … Continue reading Tuesday patch with Kerberos, bunch of vulnerabilities and security breaches →
Recently, the number of vulnerabilities that come out in a single patch and the frequency of updates have been going up a lot. On the one hand it is great that vendors fix vulnerabilities fast enough, but on the other hand it is frightening to see more of them. Stay on the latest with Vulners! … Continue reading LAW ENFORCEMENT SUCCESS and One patch: bunch of vulnerabilities →
The week of the second Tuesday of the month always sees a lot of important updates from various vendors. It’s been a long time since our news section was bigger than Vulnerabilities. In the Research section you will traditionally find the most useful stuff that the author couldn’t pass by. Content: Vulnerabilities: Microsoft patch and … Continue reading Second Tuesday patches and several attacks in weekly news →