Хочу рассказать о нашем опыте разработки приложений на основе платформы полнотекстового поиска Apache Solr. Перед нами стояла задача разработать систему речевой аналитики для контактных центров. В основе системы две базовых технологии: распознавание речи и индексированный поиск.…
This vulnerability in Apache Solr 6.0.0 to 6.6.3, 7.0.0 to 7.3.0 relates to an XML external entity expansion (XXE) in Solr config files (solrconfig.xml, schema.xml, managed-schema). In addition, Xinclude functionality provided in these config files is also affected in a similar way. The vulnerability can be used as XXE using file/ftp/http protocols in order to read arbitrary local files from the Solr server or the internal network. Users are advised to upgrade to either Solr 6.6.4 or Solr 7.3.1 releases…
The 8.1.1 and 8.2.0 releases of Apache Solr contain an insecure setting for the ENABLE_REMOTE_JMX_OPTS configuration option in the default solr.in.sh configuration file shipping with Solr. If you use the default solr.in.sh file from the affected releases, then JMX monitoring will be enabled and exposed on RMI_PORT (default=18983), without any authentication. If this port is opened for inbound traffic in your firewall, then anyone with network access to your Solr nodes will be able to access JMX, which may…
Reported in SOLR-14515 (private) and fixed in SOLR-14561 (public), released in Solr version 8.6.0. The Replication handler (https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_6/index-replication.html#http-api-commands-for-the-replicationhandler) allows commands backup, restore and deleteBackup. Each of these take a location parameter, which was not validated, i.e you could read/write to any location the solr user can access.