Материал основан на статье Simo Ahava «customTask — The Guide». Примерно год назад (в 2017) произошло обновление JS библиотеки Universal Analytics. Обновление принесло с собой такую замечательную штуку как customTask. Данная фича, в рамках Google Tag Manager, позволяет выполнять любые «задания» до отправки хита в Google…
XWiki Platform Applications Tag and XWiki Platform Tag UI are tag applications for XWiki, a generic wiki platform. Starting with version 1.7 in XWiki Platform Applications Tag and prior to 13.10.6 and 14.4 in XWiki Platform Tag UI, the tags document `Main.Tags` in XWiki didn't sanitize user inputs properly. This allowed users with view rights on the document (default in a public wiki or for authenticated users on private wikis) to execute arbitrary Groovy, Python and Velocity code with programming rights.…
Incorrect Default Permissions vulnerability in Hitachi Device Manager on Linux (Device Manager Server component), Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager on Linux, Hitachi Replication Manager on Linux, Hitachi Tuning Manager on Linux (Hitachi Tuning Manager server, Hitachi Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID, Hitachi Tuning Manager - Agent for NAS components), Hitachi Compute Systems Manager on Linux allows File Manipulation.This issue affects Hitachi Device Manager: before 8.8.5-02; Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager:…
In the Create Tags page of the Rapid7 Nexpose version 6.4.12 user interface, any authenticated user who has the capability to create tags can inject cross-site scripting (XSS) elements in the tag name field. For example, a tag name such as "Aalert('XSS')B" is sufficient to exploit the vulnerability. Once this tag is viewed in the Tag Detail page of the Rapid7 Nexpose 6.4.12 UI by another authenticated user, the script is run in that user's browser context.