Насладитесь сотнями уровней кооперативной кулинарной кутерьмы на все более опасных и немыслимых кухнях! Серия Overcooked никогда еще не смотрелась так хорошо. Overcooked: All You Can Eat [PS4] в наличиивозможна доставка. Цена: 3199.00 ₽ КУПИТЬ
When you visit a page where you need to login, Plone 2.5-5.1rc1 sends you to the login form with a 'came_from' parameter set to the previous url. After you login, you get redirected to the page you tried to view before. An attacker might try to abuse this by letting you click on a specially crafted link. You would login, and get redirected to the site of the attacker, letting you think that you are still on the original Plone site. Or some javascript of the attacker could be executed. Most of these types…
When you study an abstract subject like linear algebra, you may wonder: why do you need all these vectors and matrices? How are you going to apply all this inversions, transpositions, eigenvector and eigenvalues for practical purposes? Well, if you study linear algebra with the purpose of doing machine learning, this is the answer for you. In brief, you can use linear algebra for machine learning on 3 different levels: application of a model to data; training the model; understanding how it works or why it
Arcade Stick Real Arcade Pro 4 Kai – новая версия популярного аркадного контроллера, официально лицензированного Sony. Совместимость с PS4/PS3 Сенсорная панель Аутентичные джойстик-рычаг «Hayabusa» и кнопки «Kuro» Hori Real Arcade Pro 4 Kai аркадный стик для PS4 (PS4-015E) код 4961818023666 Цвет черный Размеры, мм 430 х 240 х 114 Размер упаковки (ДхШхВ), см 46 x […]