Apache Wicket - это фреймворк для веб-разработки на Java. Я чувствую, что ему не уделяют столько внимания, сколько он того заслуживает. Я профессионально использую Wicket для реальных проектов последние 6 лет и мне это нравится! В этом посте давайте рассмотрим пять причин, по которым вам стоит подумать об его использовании. Читать далее
A DNS proxy and possible amplification attack vulnerability in WebClientInfo of Apache Wicket allows an attacker to trigger arbitrary DNS lookups from the server when the X-Forwarded-For header is not properly sanitized. This DNS lookup can be engineered to overload an internal DNS server or to slow down request processing of the Apache Wicket application causing a possible denial of service on either the internal infrastructure or the web application itself. This issue affects Apache Wicket Apache Wicket…
In Apache Wicket 1.5.10 or 6.13.0, by issuing requests to special urls handled by Wicket, it is possible to check for the existence of particular classes in the classpath and thus check whether a third party library with a known security vulnerability is in use.
Apache Wicket 6.x before 6.25.0, 7.x before 7.5.0, and 8.0.0-M1 provide a CSRF prevention measure that fails to discover some cross origin requests. The mitigation is to not only check the Origin HTTP header, but also take the Referer HTTP header into account when no Origin was provided. Furthermore, not all Wicket server side targets were subjected to the CSRF check. This was also fixed.