Прошло время и утилита, начатая как просмотрщик сертификатов, дополненная функциями работы с криптографическими токенами PKCS#11 и создания запросов (PKCS#10) на квалифицированный сертификат, пополнилась, как и было заявлено, функциями работы с контейнерами PKCS#12. Итак, для работы с контейнерами PKCS#12 потребуется утилита cryptoarmpkcs : Linux32 Linux64 OS X WIN32 WIN64 Загружаем, запускаем утилиту cryptoarmpkcs и нажимаем кнопку «PKCS12»: Читать дальше →
Movable Type series (Movable Type 7 r.4606 (7.2.1) and earlier (Movable Type 7), Movable Type Advanced 7 r.4606 (7.2.1) and earlier (Movable Type Advanced 7), Movable Type for AWS 7 r.4606 (7.2.1) and earlier (Movable Type for AWS 7), Movable Type 6.5.3 and earlier (Movable Type 6.5), Movable Type Advanced 6.5.3 and earlier (Movable Type Advanced 6.5), Movable Type 6.3.11 and earlier (Movable Type 6.3), Movable Type Advanced 6.3.11 and earlier (Movable Type 6.3), Movable Type Premium 1.29 and earlier, and…
Open redirect vulnerability in Movable Type series Movable Type 7 r.4602 (7.1.3) and earlier (Movable Type 7), Movable Type 6.5.0 and 6.5.1 (Movable Type 6.5), Movable Type 6.3.9 and earlier (Movable Type 6.3.x, 6.2.x, 6.1.x, 6.0.x), Movable Type Advanced 7 r.4602 (7.1.3) and earlier (Movable Type 7), Movable Type Advanced 6.5.0 and 6.5.1 (Movable Type 6.5), Movable Type Advanced 6.3.9 and earlier (Movable Type 6.3.x, 6.2.x, 6.1.x, 6.0.x), Movable Type Premium 1.24 and earlier (Movable Type Premium), and…
HTML attribute value injection vulnerability in Movable Type series (Movable Type 7 r.4606 (7.2.1) and earlier (Movable Type 7), Movable Type Advanced 7 r.4606 (7.2.1) and earlier (Movable Type Advanced 7), Movable Type for AWS 7 r.4606 (7.2.1) and earlier (Movable Type for AWS 7), Movable Type 6.5.3 and earlier (Movable Type 6.5), Movable Type Advanced 6.5.3 and earlier (Movable Type Advanced 6.5), Movable Type 6.3.11 and earlier (Movable Type 6.3), Movable Type Advanced 6.3.11 and earlier (Movable Type…