Устало опускаю продолжение своего текста на Хабре “Остаюсь искренне ваш старпер и startuper" . Многие печали случились за прошедшие три года. На их фоне досада о зависших $20 членского взноса (я успел только взглянуть на dev console) в Google Play Market - шкурный, где-то даже непорядочный, пустячок.…
The last couple of weeks are not so much cool news, but we have selected the most interesting and useful. In the contents you can find a short description for each section. Vulnerabilities: IOS research, android apps (check yours) and weblogic (again); Tools: Usefull tools. Depix and Karkinos should be tested; News: Only malware. IOS, … Continue reading Impressive IOS research, vulnerable android apps and malware news →
The last couple of weeks are not so much cool news, but we have selected the most interesting and useful. In the contents you can find a short description for each section. Vulnerabilities: IOS research, android apps (check yours) and weblogic (again); Tools: Usefull tools. Depix and Karkinos should be tested; News: Only malware. IOS, … Continue reading Impressive IOS research, vulnerable android apps and malware news →
The last couple of weeks are not so much cool news, but we have selected the most interesting and useful. In the contents you can find a short description for each section. Vulnerabilities: IOS research, android apps (check yours) and weblogic (again); Tools: Usefull tools. Depix and Karkinos should be tested; News: Only malware. IOS, … Continue reading Impressive IOS research, vulnerable android apps and malware news → The post Impressive IOS research, vulnerable android apps and malware news…