The webtoffee "WordPress Users & WooCommerce Customers Import Export" plugin 1.3.0 for WordPress allows CSV injection in the user_url, display_name, first_name, and last_name columns in an exported CSV file created by the WF_CustomerImpExpCsv_Exporter class.
A cross-site scripting issue has been found in the web interface of PowerDNS Recursor from 4.0.0 up to and including 4.0.6, where the qname of DNS queries was displayed without any escaping, allowing a remote attacker to inject HTML and Javascript code into the web interface, altering the content.
In TimelineJS before version 3.7.0, some user data renders as HTML. An attacker could implement an XSS exploit with maliciously crafted content in a number of data fields. This risk is present whether the source data for the timeline is stored on Google Sheets or in a JSON configuration file. Most TimelineJS users configure their timeline with a Google Sheets document. Those users are exposed to this vulnerability if they grant write access to the document to a malicious inside attacker, if the access of a
An information disclosure vulnerability exists when the Windows GDI component improperly discloses the contents of its memory, aka 'Windows GDI Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0977, CVE-2019-1009, CVE-2019-1010, CVE-2019-1011, CVE-2019-1012, CVE-2019-1013, CVE-2019-1015, CVE-2019-1016, CVE-2019-1046, CVE-2019-1047, CVE-2019-1048, CVE-2019-1049, CVE-2019-1050.