Nextcloud office/richdocuments is an office suit for the nextcloud server platform. In affected versions the Collabora integration can be tricked to provide access to any file without proper permission validation. As a result any user with access to Collabora can obtain the content of other users files. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Office App (Collabora Integration) is updated to 7.0.2 (Nextcloud 25), 6.3.2 (Nextcloud 24), 5.0.10 (Nextcloud 23), 4.2.9 (Nextcloud 21-22), or 3.8.7 (Nextcloud 15-20).…
Привет, Хабр! Я занимаюсь тестированием редакторов документов ONLYOFFICE, а также тестированием интеграции редакторов в сторонние сервисы. К нам часто обращаются пользователи с различными проблемами при настройке, решения которых просто так не найти. Одна из самых популярных…
Nextcloud Server is the file server software for Nextcloud, a self-hosted productivity platform. In Nextcloud Server prior to versions 23.0.9 and 24.0.5 and Nextcloud Enterprise Server prior to versions, 23.0.9, and 24.0.5 an attacker reading `nextcloud.log` may gain knowledge of credentials to connect to a SharePoint service. Nextcloud Server versions 23.0.9 and 24.0.5 and Nextcloud Enterprise Server versions, 23.0.9, and 24.0.5 contain a patch for this issue. As a workaround, set…
Nextcloud is an open-source productivity platform. In Nextcloud Desktop client 3.0.0 until 3.8.0, Nextcloud Android app 3.13.0 until 3.25.0, and Nextcloud iOS app 3.0.5 until 4.8.0, a malicious server administrator can gain full access to an end-to-end encrypted folder. They can decrypt files, recover the folder structure and add new files.? This issue is fixed in Nextcloud Desktop 3.8.0, Nextcloud Android 3.25.0, and Nextcloud iOS 4.8.0. No known workarounds are available.