В последние пару лет различные компании стали активно возвращать сотрудников, работавших во время пандемии на удаленке, в офисы. Зачем? Некоторые организации считают, что офисная работа увеличивает производительность как отдельных людей, так и всего коллектива в целом. Но как обстоят дела на самом деле? В продолжении — подробности относительно Dell, IBM и Google. Читать дальше →
An arbitrary file upload vulnerability was discovered in vApp Manager which is embedded in Dell EMC Unisphere for VMAX, Dell EMC Solutions Enabler, Dell EMC VASA Virtual Appliances, and Dell EMC VMAX Embedded Management (eManagement): Dell EMC Unisphere for VMAX Virtual Appliance versions prior to, Dell EMC Solutions Enabler Virtual Appliance versions prior to, Dell EMC VASA Virtual Appliance versions prior to, and Dell EMC VMAX Embedded Management (eManagement) versions prior…
A hard-coded password vulnerability was discovered in vApp Manager which is embedded in Dell EMC Unisphere for VMAX, Dell EMC Solutions Enabler, Dell EMC VASA Virtual Appliances, and Dell EMC VMAX Embedded Management (eManagement): Dell EMC Unisphere for VMAX Virtual Appliance versions prior to, Dell EMC Solutions Enabler Virtual Appliance versions prior to, Dell EMC VASA Virtual Appliance versions prior to, and Dell EMC VMAX Embedded Management (eManagement) versions prior to…
In Dell EMC Unisphere for VMAX Virtual Appliance versions prior to, Dell EMC Solutions Enabler Virtual Appliance versions prior to, Dell EMC VASA Provider Virtual Appliance versions prior to, Dell EMC SMIS versions prior to, Dell EMC VMAX Embedded Management (eManagement) versions prior to and including, Dell EMC VNX2 Operating Environment (OE) for File versions prior to, Dell EMC VNX2 Operating Environment (OE) for Block versions prior to…