The Toshiba FlashAir SD-WD/WC series Class 6 model with firmware version 1.00.04 and later, FlashAir SD-WD/WC series Class 10 model W-02 with firmware version 2.00.02 and later, FlashAir SD-WE series Class 10 model W-03, FlashAir Class 6 model with firmware version 1.00.04 and later, FlashAir II Class 10 model W-02 series with firmware version 2.00.02 and later, FlashAir III Class 10 model W-03 series, FlashAir Class 6 model with firmware version 1.00.04 and later, FlashAir W-02 series Class 10 model with…
Django 2.1 before 2.1.15 and 2.2 before 2.2.8 allows unintended model editing. A Django model admin displaying inline related models, where the user has view-only permissions to a parent model but edit permissions to the inline model, would be presented with an editing UI, allowing POST requests, for updating the inline model. Directly editing the view-only parent model was not possible, but the parent model's save() method was called, triggering potential side effects, and causing pre and post-save signal
Векторизация — это процесс преобразования растрового изображения (состоящего из пикселей) в векторное изображение, которое описывается математическими формулами. Векторные изображения имеют несколько преимуществ, таких как возможность масштабирования без потери качества и
Improper authentication vulnerability in GOT2000 series GT27 model all versions, GOT2000 series GT25 model all versions, GOT2000 series GT21 model GT2107-WTBD all versions ,GOT2000 series GT21 model GT2107-WTSD all versions, GOT SIMPLE series GS21 model GS2110-WTBD-N all versions and GOT SIMPLE series GS21 model GS2107-WTBD-N all versions allows a remote unauthenticated attacker to gain unauthorized access via specially crafted packets when the "VNC server" function is used.