Какие предположения можно сделать относительно следующего HTTP ответа сервера? Глядя на этот небольшой фрагмент HTTP ответа, можно предположить, что веб-приложение, вероятно, содержит уязвимость XSS.Почему это возможно? Что обращает на себя внимание в этом ответе сервера?Вы…
In Apache httpd 2.0.23 to 2.0.65, 2.2.0 to 2.2.34, and 2.4.0 to 2.4.29, mod_authnz_ldap, if configured with AuthLDAPCharsetConfig, uses the Accept-Language header value to lookup the right charset encoding when verifying the user's credentials. If the header value is not present in the charset conversion table, a fallback mechanism is used to truncate it to a two characters value to allow a quick retry (for example, 'en-US' is truncated to 'en'). A header value of less than two characters forces an out of…
The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) is affected by a partial rule set bypass by submitting a specially crafted HTTP Content-Type header field that indicates multiple character encoding schemes. A vulnerable back-end can potentially be exploited by declaring multiple Content-Type "charset" names and therefore bypassing the configurable CRS Content-Type header "charset" allow list. An encoded payload can bypass CRS detection this way and may then be decoded by the backend. The…
The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) is affected by a response body bypass. A client can issue an HTTP Accept header field containing an optional "charset" parameter in order to receive the response in an encoded form. Depending on the "charset", this response can not be decoded by the web application firewall. A restricted resource, access to which would ordinarily be detected, may therefore bypass detection. The legacy CRS versions 3.0.x and 3.1.x are affected, as well as the…