Пневматический степлер для скоб применяется для крепления металлическими скобами деревянных реек, фольги, ткани любого типа, бумаги, картона, проволочной сетки и проч. к деревянным, фанерным и другим конструкциям. Пневмостеплер для скоб, FoxWeld, Aero, 5753 Армированный нет Бренд FoxWeld Быстросъемный нет Назначение для скоб в наличии Цена: 2213.00 ₽ КУПИТЬ
An issue was discovered in Nokia NetAct 22 through the Administration of Measurements website section. A malicious user can edit or add the templateName parameter in order to include malicious code, which is then downloaded as a .csv or .xlsx file and executed on a victim machine. Here, the /aom/html/EditTemplate.jsf and /aom/html/ViewAllTemplatesPage.jsf templateName parameter is used.
An issue was discovered in Nokia NetAct 22 through the Administration of Measurements website section. A malicious user can edit or add the templateName parameter in order to include JavaScript code, which is then stored and executed by a victim's web browser. The most common mechanism for delivering malicious content is to include it as a parameter in a URL that is posted publicly or e-mailed directly to victims. Here, the /aom/html/EditTemplate.jsf and /aom/html/ViewAllTemplatesPage.jsf templateName…