На сегодняшний день потоковая обработка и анализ данных стала неотъемлемой частью многих бизнес-процессов и технологических решений. Для эффективного управления большими объемами данных необходимы инструменты, которые не только обеспечивают надежность передачи сообщений,…
This affects the package com.softwaremill.akka-http-session:core_2.13 before 0.5.11; the package com.softwaremill.akka-http-session:core_2.12 before 0.5.11; the package com.softwaremill.akka-http-session:core_2.11 before 0.5.11. For older versions, endpoints protected by randomTokenCsrfProtection could be bypassed with an empty X-XSRF-TOKEN header and an empty XSRF-TOKEN cookie.
This affects the package com.softwaremill.akka-http-session:core_2.12 from 0 and before 0.6.1; all versions of package com.softwaremill.akka-http-session:core_2.11; the package com.softwaremill.akka-http-session:core_2.13 from 0 and before 0.6.1. CSRF protection can be bypassed by forging a request that contains the same value for both the X-XSRF-TOKEN header and the XSRF-TOKEN cookie value, as the check in randomTokenCsrfProtection only checks that the two values are equal and non-empty.
A possible security vulnerability has been identified in Apache Kafka Connect. This requires access to a Kafka Connect worker, and the ability to create/modify connectors on it with an arbitrary Kafka client SASL JAAS config and a SASL-based security protocol, which has been possible on Kafka Connect clusters since Apache Kafka 2.3.0. When configuring the connector via the Kafka Connect REST API, an authenticated operator can set the `sasl.jaas.config` property for any of the connector's Kafka clients to…