Вы управляете лимонадным киоском в центре парка и хотите привлечь больше посетителей, добавив в ассортимент Bubble Tea — популярный напиток с шариками тапиоки, который особенно нравится молодежи. Но прежде чем вкладывать деньги в закупку дорогостоящего…
Tinxy Door Lock with firmware before 3.2 allow attackers to unlock a door by replaying an Unlock request that occurred when the attacker was previously authorized. In other words, door-access revocation is mishandled.
A CWE-200: Information Exposure vulnerability exists which could allow a session hijack when the door panel is communicating with the door. Affected Product: Ritto Wiser Door (All versions)
An issue was discovered in Suricata 5.0.0. It is possible to bypass/evade any tcp based signature by overlapping a TCP segment with a fake FIN packet. The fake FIN packet is injected just before the PUSH ACK packet we want to bypass. The PUSH ACK packet (containing the data) will be ignored by Suricata because it overlaps the FIN packet (the sequence and ack number are identical in the two packets). The client will ignore the fake FIN packet because the ACK flag is not set. Both linux and windows clients…