Недавно прочитал новость, что Mail.ru отменила бесплатные вечные 100 ГБ для первых пользователей «Облако Mail.ru» В конце октября 2024 года компания Mail (принадлежит VK) предупредила клиентов, что отменяет бесплатные вечные 100 ГБ для первых пользователей «Облако Mail.ru» спустя 11 лет старта…
Apache Sling Commons Messaging Mail provides a simple layer on top of JavaMail/Jakarta Mail for OSGi to send mails via SMTPS. To reduce the risk of "man in the middle" attacks additional server identity checks must be performed when accessing mail servers. For compatibility reasons these additional checks are disabled by default in JavaMail/Jakarta Mail. The SimpleMailService in Apache Sling Commons Messaging Mail 1.0 lacks an option to enable these checks for the shared mail session. A user…
Nextcloud mail is a Mail app for the Nextcloud home server product. Versions of Nextcloud mail prior to 1.12.2 were found to be missing user account ownership checks when performing tasks related to mail attachments. Attachments may have been exposed to incorrect system users. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Mail app is upgraded to 1.12.2. There are no known workarounds for this issue. ### Workarounds No workaround available ### References * [Pull request](https://github.com/nextcloud/mail/pull/6600)…
Nextcloud Mail is an email app for the Nextcloud home server platform. Prior to versions 2.2.1, 1.14.5, 1.12.9, and 1.11.8, an attacker can access the mail box by ID getting the subjects and the first characters of the emails. Users should upgrade to Mail 2.2.1 for Nextcloud 25, Mail 1.14.5 for Nextcloud 22-24, Mail 1.12.9 for Nextcloud 21, or Mail 1.11.8 for Nextcloud 20 to receive a patch. No known workarounds are available.