Канареечный деплой — это очень эффективный способ тестирования нового кода на каком-то подмножестве пользователей. Он значительно снижает трафик-нагрузку, с которой могут возникнуть проблемы в процессе развертывания, так как происходит только в пределах определенной подгруппы. Эта заметка посвящена тому, как организовать подобный деплой средствами Kubernetes и автоматизации деплоя. Предполагается, что вы кое-что знаете о Helm и ресурсах Kubernetes. Читать дальше →
Argo CD is a declarative continuous deployment framework for Kubernetes. In Argo CD versions prior to 2.3 (starting at least in v0.1.0, but likely in any version using Helm before 2.3), using a specifically-crafted Helm file could reference external Helm charts handled by the same repo-server to leak values, or files from the referenced Helm Chart. This was possible because Helm paths were predictable. The vulnerability worked by adding a Helm chart that referenced Helm resources from predictable paths.…
Helm is a tool for managing Charts (packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources). In versions of helm prior to 3.6.1, a vulnerability exists where the username and password credentials associated with a Helm repository could be passed on to another domain referenced by that Helm repository. This issue has been resolved in 3.6.1. There is a workaround through which one may check for improperly passed credentials. One may use a username and password for a Helm repository and may audit the Helm repository
Flux2 is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration, and Flux's helm-controller is a Kubernetes operator that allows one to declaratively manage Helm chart releases. Helm controller is tightly integrated with the Helm SDK. A vulnerability found in the Helm SDK that affects flux2 v0.0.17 until v0.32.0 and helm-controller v0.0.4 until v0.23.0 allows for specific data inputs to cause high memory consumption. In some platforms, this could cause the controller to panic and stop