Россия может использовать вопрос поставок систем С-300 Ирану как козырь в отношения с Западом, полагает старший аналитик компании TD International Квентин Бакхольц в своей статье для издания The Diplomat.
Sharp NEC Displays (UN462A R1.300 and prior to it, UN462VA R1.300 and prior to it, UN492S R1.300 and prior to it, UN492VS R1.300 and prior to it, UN552A R1.300 and prior to it, UN552S R1.300 and prior to it, UN552VS R1.300 and prior to it, UN552 R1.300 and prior to it, UN552V R1.300 and prior to it, UX552S R1.300 and prior to it, UN552 R1.300 and prior to it, V864Q R2.000 and prior to it, C861Q R2.000 and prior to it, P754Q R2.000 and prior to it, V754Q R2.000 and prior to it, C751Q R2.000 and prior to it,
Sharp NEC Displays (UN462A R1.300 and prior to it, UN462VA R1.300 and prior to it, UN492S R1.300 and prior to it, UN492VS R1.300 and prior to it, UN552A R1.300 and prior to it, UN552S R1.300 and prior to it, UN552VS R1.300 and prior to it, UN552 R1.300 and prior to it, UN552V R1.300 and prior to it, UX552S R1.300 and prior to it, UN552 R1.300 and prior to it, V864Q R2.000 and prior to it, C861Q R2.000 and prior to it, P754Q R2.000 and prior to it, V754Q R2.000 and prior to it, C751Q R2.000 and prior to it,
Россия поставит Ирану С-300 в этом году, количество комплексов прописано в ранее заключенном контракте, заявил РИА Новости высокопоставленный источник в МИД РФ.