Привет, Хабр!Сегодня рассмотрим библиотеку libp2p в Go. libp2p — это модульная библиотека для построения P2P-сетей. Libp2p выросла из проекта IPFS, но теперь активно используется в блокчейнах, мессенджерах и других децентрализованных приложениях. Главная фича библиотеки — она даёт возможность полностью контролировать P2P-коммуникации.Libp2p разделена на несколько модулей, которые можно подключать по мере необходимости. Читать далее
go-libp2p is the Go implementation of the libp2p Networking Stack. Prior to versions 0.27.8, 0.28.2, and 0.29.1 malicious peer can use large RSA keys to run a resource exhaustion attack & force a node to spend time doing signature verification of the large key. This vulnerability is present in the core/crypto module of go-libp2p and can occur during the Noise handshake and the libp2p x509 extension verification step. To prevent this attack, go-libp2p versions 0.27.8, 0.28.2, and 0.29.1 restrict RSA…
js-libp2p is the official javascript Implementation of libp2p networking stack. Versions older than `v0.38.0` of js-libp2p are vulnerable to targeted resource exhaustion attacks. These attacks target libp2p’s connection, stream, peer, and memory management. An attacker can cause the allocation of large amounts of memory, ultimately leading to the process getting killed by the host’s operating system. While a connection manager tasked with keeping the number of…
go-libp2p is the offical libp2p implementation in the Go programming language. Version `0.18.0` and older of go-libp2p are vulnerable to targeted resource exhaustion attacks. These attacks target libp2p’s connection, stream, peer, and memory management. An attacker can cause the allocation of large amounts of memory, ultimately leading to the process getting killed by the host’s operating system. While a connection manager tasked with keeping the number of connections…