Microsoft приглашает на крупнейшую техническую конференцию Европы The Microsoft Ignite Tour Prague. В рамках мирового roadshow в Праге c 24 по 25 февраля 2020 года пройдет крупнейшая техническая конференция Microsoft в Центральной и Восточной Европе — Microsoft Ignite The Tour. Microsoft Ignite The Tour —…
The Bdat driver of Prague smart phones with software versions earlier than Prague-AL00AC00B211, versions earlier than Prague-AL00BC00B211, versions earlier than Prague-AL00CC00B211, versions earlier than Prague-TL00AC01B211, versions earlier than Prague-TL10AC01B211 has integer overflow vulnerability due to the lack of parameter validation. An attacker tricks a user into installing a malicious APP and execute it as a specific privilege; the APP can then send a specific parameter to the driver of the smart…
Some Huawei smart phones with the versions before Berlin-L21HNC185B381; the versions before Prague-AL00AC00B223; the versions before Prague-AL00BC00B223; the versions before Prague-AL00CC00B223; the versions before Prague-L31C432B208; the versions before Prague-TL00AC01B223; the versions before Prague-TL00AC01B223 have an information exposure vulnerability. When the user's smart phone connects to the malicious device for charging, an unauthenticated attacker may activate some specific function by sending…
The CameraISP driver of some Huawei smart phones with software of versions earlier than Prague-AL00AC00B205,versions earlier than Prague-AL00BC00B205,versions earlier than Prague-AL00CC00B205,versions earlier than Prague-TL00AC01B205,versions earlier than Prague-TL10AC01B205 has a buffer overflow vulnerability due to the lack of parameter validation. An attacker tricks a user into installing a malicious APP, the APP can send a specific parameter to the CameraISP driver of the smart phone, causing system…