Предисловие Со времен появления скринсейвера "Ленты" (ориг. "Ribbons") на Windows 7, эта заставка была стандартом для всех моих рабочих мест, благо в новых версиях Windows (8, 10, 11) эта заставка остается и по сей день. Однако с момента "импортозамещения" десктопной Windows на десктопную Linux, особенно
GitHub Electron before 1.6.8 allows remote command execution because of a nodeIntegration bypass vulnerability. This also affects all applications that bundle Electron code equivalent to 1.6.8 or earlier. Bypassing the Same Origin Policy (SOP) is a precondition; however, recent Electron versions do not have strict SOP enforcement. Combining an SOP bypass with a privileged URL internally used by Electron, it was possible to execute native Node.js primitives in order to run OS commands on the user's host.…
Github Electron version Electron 1.8.2-beta.4 and earlier contains a Command Injection vulnerability in Protocol Handler that can result in command execute. This attack appear to be exploitable via the victim opening an electron protocol handler in their browser. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in Electron 1.8.2-beta.5. This issue is due to an incomplete fix for CVE-2018-1000006, specifically the black list used was not case insensitive allowing an attacker to potentially bypass it.
electron-packager is a command line tool that packages Electron source code into `.app` and `.exe` packages. along with Electron. The `--strict-ssl` command line option in electron-packager >= 5.2.1 <= 6.0.0 || >=6.0.0 <= 6.0.2 defaults to false if not explicitly set to true. This could allow an attacker to perform a man in the middle attack.