В начале года делал подборку книг по стратегическому управлению от ученых — хотел бы расширить формат и поделиться материалами о менеджменте в широком контексте. От научных статей, которые помогут понять суть технологий вроде больших языковых моделей, и до книг по менеджменту и практических разборов того, каким может быть контент-маркетинг без рекламы. Получилась компактная и разнообразная подборка. Читать далее
Discourse is a platform for community discussion. Under certain conditions, a user badge may have been awarded based on a user's activity in a topic with restricted access. Before this vulnerability was disclosed, the topic title of the topic associated with the user badge may be viewed by any user. If there are sensitive information in the topic title, it will therefore have been exposed. This issue is patched in the latest stable, beta and tests-passed versions of Discourse. There are currently no known…
Discourse is an open source discussion platform. When editing a topic, there is a vulnerability that enables a user to bypass the topic title validations for things like title length, number of emojis in title and blank topic titles. The issue is patched in the latest stable, beta and tests-passed version of Discourse.
Discourse is an open source community platform. In affected versions any user can create a topic and add arbitrary custom fields to a topic. The severity of this vulnerability depends on what plugins are installed and how the plugins uses topic custom fields. For a default Discourse installation with the default plugins, this vulnerability has no impact. The problem has been patched in the latest version of Discourse. Users are advised to update to version 3.1.1 if they are on the stable branch or…