Я продолжаю углубляться в мир кибербезопасности. На этот раз решил разобраться, что такое EDR, зачем нужны эти системы и какую роль они играют в защите корпоративного периметра. Чтобы получить исчерпывающие ответы, я поговорил с руководителем управления развития…
Mirror zones are a BIND feature allowing recursive servers to pre-cache zone data provided by other servers. A mirror zone is similar to a zone of type secondary, except that its data is subject to DNSSEC validation before being used in answers, as if it had been looked up via traditional recursion, and when mirror zone data cannot be validated, BIND falls back to using traditional recursion instead of the mirror zone. However, an error in the validity checks for the incoming zone data can allow an on-path
TZInfo is a Ruby library that provides access to time zone data and allows times to be converted using time zone rules. Versions prior to 0.36.1, as well as those prior to 1.2.10 when used with the Ruby data source tzinfo-data, are vulnerable to relative path traversal. With the Ruby data source, time zones are defined in Ruby files. There is one file per time zone. Time zone files are loaded with `require` on demand. In the affected versions, `TZInfo::Timezone.get` fails to validate time zone identifiers…
Bluetooth® Pairing in Bluetooth Core Specification v1.0B through v5.3 may permit an unauthenticated MITM to acquire credentials with two pairing devices via adjacent access when at least one device supports BR/EDR Secure Connections pairing and the other BR/EDR Legacy PIN code pairing if the MITM negotiates BR/EDR Secure Simple Pairing in Secure Connections mode using the Passkey association model with the pairing Initiator and BR/EDR Legacy PIN code pairing with the pairing Responder and brute…